Welcome to our website!

Welcome to Meigle Primary School’s website! We hope that you find the information we provide in these pages useful. Should you be unable to find what you are looking for, please do not hesitate to contact us

Welcome to the Meigle Primary School website.

I am the Headteacher of both Meigle and Kettins Primary Schools. I have been in post since October 2019 and was permanently appointed to the position in July 2020. I take pride in the high expectations and aspirations that we have for our learners at Meigle Primary School. We encourage everyone to do their very best and provide opportunities for all to experience success in learning. We are currently revising our school values. I am ably assisted by my Principal Teacher, Mrs Fiona Tasker, together we lead the school community with enthusiasm and optimism.
I hope that you find this website useful and are able to navigate with ease to find information you may require. Please download the school app too for quick access to relevant information. We aim to work closely with our parents and wider community and communication is key.
Rachel Cross



Hurting others - update in approaches

Physically hurting others is not acceptable behaviour. We use various strategies to address this. We support restorative conversations and we work closely in partnership with our families.

At the start of the term, we decided to pilot the reintroduction of 'reflection time' after such incidents. This means that a child who has physically injured another child during a game spends 5 minutes indoors to reflect on their actions. 

Since implementing this midway through week 1, we have noticed a significant difference in how our children are playing with each other. Break times and lunch times have been far more positive. 

Thank you for your ongoing support at Meigle.

R Cross


Survey Response Update

Good morning

Thank you to those who have already completed the pre-inspection visit survey. Please see the updated figures collected yesterday. 
This reflects all P4-P7 learners who were in school and took part yesterday. The views of P1-P3 are gathered orally during the visit. 

Due to the school closure today, the survey link will remain open until Monday 27 January. If you are having trouble accessing the link please email us meigle@pkc.gov.uk.

Stakeholder group Responses received
Learners 20
Parents/carers 23
Partners 14

Many thanks
R Cross


Tayside Contracts menu change- Monday 27 January

Good morning

Due to the impact of the storm on deliveries to Tayside Contracts, they have had to change the primary and nursery menu for Monday, 27 January 2025.  They are currently working in the background to amend Monday’s menu to reflect the below choices.

Cheese & Chive Oat Biscuit (V) No-Sausage Roll (Ve*) with Potato Wedges & Baked Beans (Ve) Salmon Fishcake with Potato Wedges Peas & Sweetcorn
Cheese & Chive Oat Biscuit (V) No-Sausage Roll (Ve*) with Chips (Ve) Breaded Fish with Chips & Baked Beans Chicken Burrito with Rice Peas & Sweetcorn

Please note that any pre-order already placed via ParentPay will be cancelled and new selections will have to be made.

Should you have any queries please get in touch.

Kind regards
School Catering



Good morning,

Children in both classes have a variety of learning to complete today online via Just2Easy. Please make use of the 'Digital Passports' sent home earlier this session with all login details.

Our app provider has passed on it's apologies for the app not being operational yesterday due to the volume of users attempting to share the weather warning.

Please stay safe. 

R Cross


Inspection Survey - Deadline reminder Friday 24 January 2025

Dear families

This is a reminder of your opportunity to participate in an online survey as part of the school inspection process.
Thank you to those who have already completed the survey.
So far we have had 8 responses from our 27 families. 
The survey can be accessed following the link:

Parents / Carers (Primary)

If you are having difficulty accessing the survey via mobile device the link can be shared via email by request.

Kind regards
R Cross


P7 BHS Transition Event - Tuesday 28 January

Tuesday 28th January 2025

Pupils will be collected from school at 9.20am and taken to Blairgowrie High School by bus accompanied by Mrs Sherriff. They will be at the High School until 11.45am and will be returned to Meigle PS after the event.
School uniform should be worn.
Pupils are permitted to take a snack with them.
A letter from the High School will be sent separately.

R Cross



This is a reminder that STAR CLUB starts today and there are still a few places remaining. 

STAR Club will run every second Monday from today and is supervised by our Community Learning Assistant, Ms Shaw.

Please call the school if you would like to add your child to the register for today. 


Inspection survey

Dear families

As part of the inspection, the views of all stakeholders are gathered via an online survey which is available from the following link:

Parents / Carers (Primary)

I would like to encourage you to complete the survey.  Inspectors will also be meeting with groups of parents during the inspection so to be part of that discussion you should complete the survey with additional links provided to indicate your interest in taking part. 

You should complete the survey by Friday 24 January 2025 for one child or for each of your children in attendance.

Kind regards
R Cross


Mr Seith - absent 16.01.24

Mr Seith will not be in school tomorrow. Pupils will not require their instruments this week.
Apologies for the short notice. 

Kind regards 
R Cross


Notification of Inspection

Dear families

HM Inspectors from Education Scotland will be visiting us to conduct an inspection during the week commencing Monday 3 February 2025.   You can find out more about inspection, from the Inspection and review documentation pages of Education Scotland’s website.

As part of the inspection, inspectors gather the views of stakeholders via an online survey. The link will be shared here on the app on Friday 17 January and will close on Friday 24 January. 

I would like to encourage you to complete the survey.  Inspectors will also be meeting with groups of parents during the inspection so to be part of that discussion you should complete the survey with additional links provided to indicate your interest in taking part.

Kind regards

R Cross 
