Welcome to our website!

Welcome to Meigle Primary School’s website! We hope that you find the information we provide in these pages useful. Should you be unable to find what you are looking for, please do not hesitate to contact us

Welcome to the Meigle Primary School website.

I am the Headteacher of both Meigle and Kettins Primary Schools. I have been in post since October 2019 and was permanently appointed to the position in July 2020. I take pride in the high expectations and aspirations that we have for our learners at Meigle Primary School. We encourage everyone to do their very best and provide opportunities for all to experience success in learning. We are currently revising our school values. I am ably assisted by my Principal Teacher, Mrs Fiona Tasker, together we lead the school community with enthusiasm and optimism.
I hope that you find this website useful and are able to navigate with ease to find information you may require. Please download the school app too for quick access to relevant information. We aim to work closely with our parents and wider community and communication is key.
Rachel Cross



Thank You

Dear Parents / carers
The teachers and staff wish to express a huge thank you to everyone for the very generous gifts.  It was so thoughtful and kind of you.  We are very lucky to work at such a great school, with amazing children and families.
Thank you.


Free School Meals and School clothing/footwear

Applications for free school meals and assistance with school clothing/footwear for school session 2024/25 opens from 1 July 2024. Parents will need to complete the form online on or after 1 July 2024, please see link below.

An application is required for pupils moving into P6 as they will no longer automatically be entitled to free school meals.
Any applications that are submitted before 1 July cannot be processed for session 2024/25, these applications will be refused, and parents will be asked to reapply again after 1 July 2024.

Free School Meals


Free Summer Holiday Camp

Please see attached for details of a free summer camp running from July 22nd to July 26th.  This camp is specifically designed for children between P3 and P7, especially for those who may not often have the chance to participate in such programs.

Free Summer Holiday Camp.docx

P4-7 Pupils

P4-7 wil be watching the film 'Holes' after one of their reading groups have completed the story.
It is reated PG.  Please phone the school office before Wednesday if you do not wish for your child to watch it.
Thank you.
Mrs Lawson


P1-3 Pupils

Can all P1-3 pupils please bring in a carrier bag tomorrow to take home jotters, art work etc.

Thank you.


Mobile Library Book Return

The mobile library van is coming on Monday 24 June to uplift all books. Please remember to return any borrowed books you may still have at home. 
Kind regards, 
R Cross 


Sharing the Learning and School Reports

Today you will receive a special envelope with our termly ‘ Sharing the Learning’ jotter bags.
Here’s what to expect inside:

  1. Your child’s report for session 2023-2024
  2. A parent response slip for comment on report
  3. A copy of the Standards and Quality Report 2023-2024 (one per family)

Please have a look at your child’s jotters with them over the weekend and return to school on Monday 24 June 2024 with the parent response slip and the ‘sharing the jotters’ sign sheet.

Kind regards,

Miss Rachel Cross


P1 -3 Class

Next Wednesday the P1-3 class will be watching the film 'Fairytale'.  This is a PG classification.
If you do not wish your child to watch this, please let the school know.
Many thanks.


Parent Council BBQ

For those who are coming along to the Parent Council BBQ tomorrow night, tokens are being sent home with your children tonight.  Please check their bags.

Many thanks.


P7 Families

P7 parents / carers

Please see Parent Pay for an email that has been sent today with information for when your child goes to High School.
